26 November 2009
Shows Online, Brought to You by...
More here
26 September 2009
Christian Louboutin : quand l'ego prend le dessus sur le talent (de réalisateur)
Psycho-Logic pour l'ouverture de sa nouvelle boutique à Hollywood
D'un côté, n'est pas Lagerfeld, par exemple, qui veut.
De l'autre, même Olivier Dahan ne nous fait pas toujours rêver
Rien de mieux pour moi, encore à ce jour, que la virée nouvelle vague de Zoe Cassavetes pour Lamarthe. C'était en 2007.
15 September 2009
Bebo launch online fashion program
Bebo has unveiled plans to launch an online fashion show, The Closet, in partnership with O2, from the end of the month.
Brokered by ZenithOptimedia, The Closet will be created and produced by Twenty Twenty Television. O2 will use the platform to support its new Load & Go card from O2 Money.
The Closet will be hosted by former model Jameela Jamil and feature makeovers, style guides and challenges, fashion-insider interviews, and celebrity closet rummages.
“The Closet and the partnership with Bebo is a key element of our marketing campaign for Load & Go,” said Alistair Johnston, marketing director at O2. “Given our target audience, the campaign has a strong online focus and we believe this is an ideal partnership through which we can communicate the benefits of Load & Go.”
Bebo Originals are funded by brand integration, an advertising revenue model developed by Bebo in which products and services are offered a sophisticated blend of plot integration, traditional product placement, and on-network online advertising. As sole sponsors of The Closet, O2 will be integrated seamlessly throughout the series embarking on a number of in-store high street giveaways and unique promotions around the new Load & Go card.
More on Bebo's projects under "Bebo orginals" HERE and HERE
25 August 2009
CBS, Pepsi and Entertainment Weekly: First Video In Print Ad
PepsiCo will join with CBS to promote its Pepsi Max diet cola for men in the print ads and sponsor the fall debut of CBS's Monday-night comedies on Sept. 21.
It's here
11 August 2009
24 July 2009
Social buzz video marketing by Samsung
Ici la démo pour Samsung Mobile's HD camera phone
18 June 2009
ZAC 16 , we've got a problem...
Daring, Innovative, above and most off all, well scripted and written
But let's see how buzz tranforms: as till now, it's still confidential...
and forget all the sexists critics on Adage !!
05 May 2009
03 May 2009
Hasbro to Create Branded Cable Channel through a joint venture with Discovery Communications, to launch in late 2010.
"Today's announcement speaks once again to the power of Hasbro's brands and affirms the company's strategy of providing innovative and immersive entertainment experiences for consumers of all ages in any form or format where and when they want it," he said. "We recognized that if we were going to reach our potential both in terms of satisfying interest in our brands and enhancing shareholder value, we knew we needed to extend our value beyond our games."
Hasbro CEO Brian Goldner
25 April 2009
Agrégateurs de contenus de marques: du nouveau
Crise ou pas, les marques montrent leur potentiel en inspirant notamment les entrepreneurs du web, qui vont même "chatouiller" les bastions de la création
Marques pas mortes !
24 April 2009
Personal Branding: un vrai boulot
En cliquant su le titre, ou ici
20 April 2009
Des Prix, encore des Prix
14 January 2009
Emballée en 18' chrono ...
5ème gauche* m'a confié la mission de proposer une émission visant à convaincre le grand public des enjeux du tri et du recyclage, et de trouver une personnalité qui puisse animer le site et le programme
C'est donc à titre indépendante que j'ai pris en main l'intégralité de ce projet: recommandation de la réalisatrice et de l'animateur-présentateur Stéphane Thébaut, écriture - Angelica, quel souvenir ! - en étroite collaboration avec l'agence, direction artistique (pas contente du tout de moi !), tournage, montage, post-prod, devis, contrat, livraison clé en main
*C'est Xavier Tormès qui m'a appellée: les directeurs de création comme lui, c'est le rêve. Merci-merci Xavier !
Après une longue parenthèse, je reprends la parole avec cette actu; un nouveau blog à venir sans doute, plus complet avec l'ensemble des productions, revue de presse etc...